Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Deep Blue Harmonic Convergence

I've been thinking a lot about frequency lately. Tuning into frequencies. My own. Yours. The buzz of mosquitoes it turns out is actually the sound of harmonic convergence; right before mating. An octave and a half above the pitch you tune your instruments to, A. It's almost hot to think of the dreaded buzzing mosquito as this blissful creature but not so hot when you think about it multiplying. I think they are the claws of stagnancy.

Back to frequency...water allows for sound to travel almost five times faster than in the air and much further. And if we are made of about 60% water, then imagine your body as an instrument in water. Traveling fast and far. And then imagine harmonic convergence. That's Hot.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Pleasure All the Time

It's only in an alternative health class where people will smell something enticing in the room and all of a sudden start going around the room smelling everyone. I guess that's what a cuddle party is like. If I had a cuddle party, I would call it 'scratch n sniff n make animal noises.'

So today the question was, what do people come to you for? what is your role amongst friends, family, work? And I'd say for the most part, to come up with a crazy idea or theory, advice, play in some parallel universe or explore inner thoughts. What does that say about me? I dunno...It's like facing a reflection of yourself and feeling totally out of touch with it, a little alarming at first because you are looking at yourself from outside of yourself. You just have to look at it, talk to it and ask why it's there. But when you accept your role, things come naturally to you and there is never any hesitation to do things to help you grow into your role. You can't be a good practicioner if you don't know yourself and go on the path that will regenerate you. We help people more when we are in our own practice of being on the right path.

I also discovered a new character to add to my pantheon of inner world mythology. She's a gypsy, a belly dancer, with the face of a snake. A snake reclaiming her role as a vital force in life in an ideographic culture, shedding the skin to be reborn a healer. And she's misunderstood a lot because she feeds on pleasure and that can be daunting especially when you are taught to deny yourself pleasure. Life should be pleasurable. And when you are denied pleasure, it's like candy that you learn to hoard because you don't know when you can have it next. Better to take little nibs here and there all the time and to enjoy each bite.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Expansion Experience - Part I

Some dear friends of mine, Napoleon and JRock were about to have a kid and they went to something called "birthing class?" It's like "marriage counseling." Something I know I would find totally fascinating but at the same time surprisingly foreign. So after every class I would listen wide eyed to JRock recount his discoveries. You could tell he was shifting between freaking out and being overwhelmed with awe. Even if we saw a woman give birth in 8th grade science class, listening to him talk about birthing made me feel so much more intimate with the idea of it. It wasn't science. It wasn't scary. It was about love and life. Shift the words 'Labor' and 'Contraction' to 'Birthing' and 'Expansion.' That shift is like turning on a faucet and hearing water run through the pipes.

A mother got a call from her son’s school, notifying her that her son had been in an accident and was hurt. She ran down to the school and was told that her son had tripped and landed on another kid's head and dislodged an adult front tooth bending it forward.

This was in a charter school and he was immediately rushed from all sides by concerned adults all saying things along the lines of, "oh my, that looks serious!," "I think we will have to extract it." He was quickly taken to the principal's office and strapped to a gurney. If I were the kid, I would be freaking out from all the adults freaking out.

When his mother arrived, she put her hands on his thigh and looked into his eyes and said, "I'm here. Are you ok?" That warm hand and the attentive look must have been comforting, enough to signal the body to begin to heal. She gave him some arnica drops every two hours to help with the inflammation and within an hour, the swelling and blood calmed down. And when the dentist examined his tooth, he was stunned to find that the tooth had found a way to relodge itself in his mouth and to this day, he has no problems with that tooth.

I imagine that is what it is like when you are giving birth with your partner at your side. It's that comfort of knowing that they are there. It's that attentiveness that allows us to attune to life. I've heard that if you really relax it can be the best orgasm you will ever experience. Imagine that!

I was walking down the street tonite and I had this eureka! moment when the sounds of the street were forming music in my ears. I always wondered what it was like to be able to hear music and to figure out how to translate it through instruments. But tonite, I heard a harmonious orchestra of car engines, footsteps,, cell phone rings, and a broom. I felt like I had giant roses sticking out of my ears, that were stroking the cityscape with soft, moist petals. I was loving my ears and they were blooming before me and I think as lovers, it’s the same thing. When you are attentive to your partner, you are loving each other and making each other bloom and nourishing each other at the same time.

So one of our greatest tasks as a parent, is to teach our child how to care. To touch, look, listen and feel. When we forget to love, things will wilt around us. Love overcomes death. It’s what beckons the spring in winter so that we can burst out our energy and in summer get drunk with exertion so that when winter comes again, we can slow down, heal and regenerate ourselves. Winter is a time to learn to love. If you think about it that way, maybe it’s not so depressing.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Yes to Sex

I think there are far too many conversations about why one shouldn't have sex that further mystifies it and puts it at an arms length. And you wonder why there are so many perversions and insecurities that have taken it's place. Instead there should be more conversations about why sex is wonderful so when your child becomes sexually curious, they won't feel shameful about it, they will revere it.


One day I would like to use the pick up line, "Do you want to try Quantum Teleportation?"

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Back to Basics

It was the summer of 2008 in Berlin. Sinking into the sand of the city's foundation, I saw my path: a dirt road with no end in sight, and I was standing there naked with a warm wind whistling in my ears. It was my tuning fork. The sound that would align all my tangential thinking, wandering why-nots and ADD rampages. The sound that revealed to me that I was in fact a healer. So what is a 'healer.' I didn't want to be the new age doused in patchouli yogi vegetarian, even if I appreciate all of those things individually. I didn't want to go back to school for a Masters in Social Work or acupuncture or massage therapy. If anything I wanted to be a shaman and take drugs and chant and dance half naked and sing and envision characters. But I think I want to go back to something very basic. To my own breathe. To my environment and the people around me. To my body, the cycles and rythyms of life. So here my journey as a healer begins. Breathe in - picture a tree, Breathe out - picture how that tree is connected to everything. Breathe in - picture chocolate cake, Breathe out - picture it in your belly. mmm...moist n juicy.